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 ACFC Back-up Care benefit can help you through the current school closures.




The Back-Up Care Advantage Program offers high quality and reliable temporary care to Verizon CWA families whenever your regular child, adult, and elder care arrangements are unavailable. 

Your Back-Up Care benefit is available when: 

  • School or child care is closed
  • The sitter calls in sick
  • A stay-at-home spouse/partner comes down with the flu
  • Elder parents recovering from an illness need help around the house
  • Your child is mildly ill, but can't go to school or child care

If you're not already registered, take a few minutes to sign up now and avoid worry later.


Register and reserve care        



New users: Create your profile and enter one-time employer credentials. Username: VerizonCWA, password: care4you. Download the Bright Horizons app: Search “back-up care” in the App Store or Google Play. 



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