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Capital Police #2

Capitol Police Dispatchers Bargaining Update

Date: December 4, 2024

Overview: The union met with representatives from the State of Delaware yesterday for contract negotiations for the Capitol Police Dispatchers. Positive progress was made during the session, with both parties working collaboratively to address key aspects of the contract. However, discussions on compensation remain on hold pending the state’s release of the budget.

Meeting Attendance:

  • Capitol Police Representatives:
    • Tom Smith
    • Rob Hudson
    • Chief Harris
  • Union Representatives:
    • Michael Watson, President
    • Darlene Rentz, Executive Vice President
    • John Petrini, Staff Representative
    • Isaac Vaughn, Capitol Dispatcher

Union Proposal Summary: The union presented a package that included fundamental contract language designed to enhance workplace clarity and fairness. Key items in the package included:

  • Union representation
  • Grievance procedure
  • Union recognition
  • Performance review protocols

Progress and Challenges: While there was productive dialogue and a clear willingness to address the union’s proposed contract terms, the lack of an official budget release by the State of Delaware limits further advancement in negotiations related to compensation. This remains a critical issue and will require additional discussions once the budget is made available.

Next Steps: The union will continue to monitor the budget release timeline closely. In the interim, efforts will focus on refining non-monetary aspects of the agreement to ensure the best possible outcome for the Capitol Police Dispatchers.

Conclusion: The meeting marked a step forward in the negotiation process, reflecting a constructive and collaborative atmosphere. The union remains committed to achieving a fair and comprehensive contract for the Capitol Police Dispatchers and will keep members updated on developments as they arise.



