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Covid-19 Update 3-16-2020

Verizon & VCS:

We have been in constant talks about various issues. There was announced an increase in % for vacation time availability for members looking to use that time.

We have been attempting to secure a home garaging agreement in order to adhere to CDC guidelines for social distancing. We have received notice that a comprehensive agreement is being worked out, district wide, to allow home garaging for this specific event. The details are still being worked out, and we offered our own language as a base line guide.  We will be looking into remote garaging as well for those who can’t home garage.

The company is trying to locate essential disinfectant/sanitizing products and we will keep talking with them to provide updates on these critical items, which are in short supply everywhere.

The company has stated that their plan is to complete essential / critical jobs,

and that the dispatch screening process is supposed to be in place.

Kent County:

We have been in contact with Kent County and there have been provisions put in place to reduce risk by suspending certain types of work. The county is prepared for this situation with plenty of hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, and masks on hand.

DHSS/ Social Workers

We have been in contact with officials in this division to secure a work from home arrangement for all those that do field visits. The details are not finalized but they are being worked out.


Avaya is working with our members, but no issues are reported at this time. 

Delaware State Police, 911:

We are attempting to verify that proper disinfectant products are available to our 911 call centers.

Delaware State Police, Civilians:

The division seems to be running relatively smooth, with no real issues reported at this time.

The concern over essential personnel designation is one issue to be worked out. 


