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Update 4/8/2020

CWA LOCAL 13101 

update 4/8/2020

This Local along with District 2-13 Staff has worked non-stop to find resolutions to the concerns of our members. This extraordinary circumstance presents a difficult time, but this membership, as always, has stood by each other. This is the primary reason we have been able to secure mutually beneficial resolutions to each issue as they arise. The employers have been understanding and although some resistance has been displayed on certain issues, as we insist on the safety of members being the top priority they have been responsive to that and the way we are trying to work with them through this unprecedented event.


Kent County Public Works;

Essential employees.

The County enacted article 11.4 on 3/22/2020 which provides comp time in addition to time worked during the emergency situation we are currently experiencing. The County is now attempting to change policy and override the CBA language which would result in an immediate ULP charge. We are attempting to find a resolution which takes into account the concerns of the County but, above all else, protects the members and honors the CBA language. Kent County has provided all PPE and adjusted work assignments to care for the members during this crisis, and has worked cooperatively with this Local so we see no reason for that collaboration to end.

We have no reported COVID-19 infected members in this bargaining unit.


Essential employees.

There has been an effort to enact Executive order 28 for our senior social worker case managers who are considered essential, in order to provide additional compensation if  applicable. The CBA allows for work at home and most of the bargaining unit has been provided that opportunity. The current SB8 bargaining which was stopped by the state is a hotly debated issue which has been presented all the way up to the governor. The Labor organizations involved are understanding of the situation the state is in, but ignoring a Senate bill which has been signed into law, and just not continuing to bargain in good faith is not  acceptable. The issue continues to evolve and the resolution has not been finalized. 

We have no reported COVID-19 infected members in this bargaining unit. 


Essential employees. 

There have been concerns regarding the station rotation of members during this pandemic, and the Local has reached an agreement for a process to be employed during this crisis. There is currently acceptable disinfectant products in the centers, but this Local also provided a contact for sanitizer products being made at a local distillery in Smyrna. The article which allows for comp time on equal basis for time worked during emergency declarations by the Governor mandates closure of state offices before being put into effect. This CBA language has been discussed and agreed to being enacted when/if that occurs. 

The job fair, in conjunction with Building Trades Council and Jr Achievement  for this bargaining unit was canceled and we’ll post any update regarding the event.

There are current grievances for OT bypass, disciplinary actions and timelines are being extended. There is agreement that no UA/UT time will apply to members with COVID-19.

We have no reported COVID-19 infected members in this bargaining unit.


Essential employees.

There was a ridiculous statement made about layoffs during the reduction of work agreement. This statement was made out of ignorance by someone without an understanding of the level of discussions involving this arrangement. This Local will work with the employer to ensure the most effective and safe use of our members. There will be full PPE provided if there is a necessary customer contact emergency dispatch.

We have no COVID-9 infected members in this garaging unit.


Essential as needed.

The primary concern of interaction and PPE is being handled in the most effective way possible. There have been changes to certain operations to ensure distancing and an overall face to face reduction where possible, and cleaning products are available.

We have no reported COVID - 19 infected members in this bargaining unit.


This unit is sheltering in place and content with the arrangements made for their safety.

We have no COVID-19 infected members in this bargaining unit.


Essential employees.

We have reached another agreement and this is the one we have been trying to work out since day 1. The face to face customer interactions in homes and business will essentially stop , excluding actual emergency dispatches. This agreement like all the others has a sunset and is without precedent. The emergency dispatch will be done with all PPE. This agreement like all the others will be an evolving agreement deigned to ensure the safety of our members. The discussions to follow will involve assigning some type of work that does not require any customer contact, such as PPM, routines and various other assignments deemed safe. We have been working on the contractors going into Central Offices and the schedule should be moving to after 5PM and we have requested the cleaning process they are using when finished.

We have no COVID-19 infected members in this bargaining unit.



